Find yourself at SEA 🤓

Identity, Expression and Desire is an on demand course designed to help you achieve more through self-discovery, mindfulness and determination. Watch the video below for more information. To read the full course outline, click here.

Designed for students who prefer to learn on their own terms.

This on demand learning course is both comprehensive and convenient. Here, you'll learn how to build perspective on and communicate identity, practice mindfulness and accurate self-expression, and identify your personal desires and take action to achieve them.

In five days, where will you be?

Participating in this course, you will:

Develop and refine accurate self-assessment skills

Understand and communicate personal identity theory

Establish presence and mindfulness in personal and interpersonal situations

Leverage visual design and speech for accurate self-expression

Understand and utilise popular resources for goal-setting and accomplishment

All of this and more is what you will learn in this course.

Preview what this course has to offer.

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unit 01: Identity
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unit 02: Expression
Available in days
days after you enroll

Materials needed for this course:

All courses require the use of a working computer, tablet or smartphone and a reliable internet connection. Access to Google Drive will also be required. Space is provided at the beginning of the course to allow students an opportunity to gather the necessary materials prior to the start of Unit 01.

Meet your instructor.

An independent music artist, author and creative entrepreneur, KIRU has spent several years studying positive psychology to better understand how we can advance achievement through self-awareness and freedom of expression. As the Executive Director at Self Exploration Academy, KIRU is a dynamic speaker, well-equipped to help our students achieve their learning and self-development goals.

Complete your registration!

“And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?” 

― Rumi