We are the students of the world with a vision for the future that is brighter than our past. We believe in our ability to build lasting intercontinental communities, and to create positive change in every area of life.

The Self-Exploration Academy (SEA) is an identity-seeking, leadership-building, encouraging and empowering educational institution. 

Founded in 2021, SEA helps people discover their highest potential through identity, expression and inherent desire. And with a mission to give people from all backgrounds, interests and walks of life the tools to embrace, express and empower themselves with agency and confidence, SEA exists to produce leaders in families, schools, communities and nations all around the world.

“At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.” 

– Lao Tzu


More High School Graduates

Studies show that individuals with strong social-emotional learning skills are 54% more likely to graduate from high school.

Higher Test Scores

Research indiciates a positive correlation between social-emotional learning and acadmeic achievement, with students demonstrating an 11-percentile point gain on standardized tests.

Better Attitudes

According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), SEL programs (much like ours) result in an 11% improvement in attitudes and behaviors associated with learning.

For Teenagers

The American Psychological Association reports a rise in stress levels among teenagers, with 31% reporting feeling overwhelmed and depressed. Investing in courses that help build self-awareness can address these challenges.

For Young Adults

Research indicates that 1 in 5 adults experience a mental health condition each year, underscoring the importance of equipping individuals, esepcially young adults, with tools for self-awareness and emotional well-being.

For All Adults

The World Economic Forum identifies social-emotional skills as essential fro success in the workforce, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and interpersonal abilities.

For Career Growth

Emotional intelligence is identified as a key factor in successful leadership, with 71% of hiring managers considering it more important than IQ when promoting.

For Financial Wellness

Individuals with high emotional intelligence earn, on average, $29,000 more over their lifetime than those with lower emotional intelligence, emphasizing the practical benefits of self-awareness inn the professional realm.

For Better Relationships

Young adults with well-developed self-awareness are 50% more likely to form positive relationships, contributing to better social and interpersonal connections.

Meet Your Primary Virtual Instructor

KIRU is an independent music artist, author and creative entrepreneur, and the founder of KIRUNIVERSE, where they oversee all the marketing and outreach efforts, as well as several programs, projects and events under the umbrella of the brand. With nearly a decade of research in the field of positive psychology, KIRU developed Self Exploration Academy to create a safe, yet realistic space where people from all walks of life could understand, develop and refine their personal, social and emotional skills.